Wraparound Childcare Clubs
- Breakfast Club runs every day school is open.
- Enrichment and Teatime Club do not run on any Fridays. Aside from this, they run every day school is open.
All Enrichment sessions are linked to our Hazel curriculum.
Some clubs are organised for specific pupils only and these are not listed on this page.
All registration for after-school clubs is to be completed on School Gateway, using the "Clubs" option.
Please contact the school office if you need any help making a booking.
2024-25 Academic Year - Spring Term
Our normal offer for Breakfast Club, Enrichment and Teatime Club is listed on the right hand side.
Winter Sale (January 2025): We are offering all Wraparound Clubs at a discounted rate! Please see the information in the letter below.
Terms & Conditions
- All bookings must be made in advance using School Gateway – you must select the Clubs option as selecting “Payments” will not book a place.
- Clubs are limited to maximum numbers due to staffing ratios and waiting lists will be created if necessary.
- The Enrichment clubs (3:30-4:30) are open to all children in Years R-6 up to the maximum numbers. The school also run additional after-school clubs that are invitational only. These are not charged to parents. This is determined by individual children’s learning and development needs. This is also sometimes linked to upcoming sporting events and festivals that selected children are participating in.
- If a parent is late picking up from Enrichment at 4:30, children will be placed in Teatime Club and a charge of £5.50 will be applied to the parental School Gateway account. Further bookings will not be possible to make until outstanding charges are cleared. Parents should be aware that staff are only employed until 4:30 or 5:30pm.
- If a parent is late picking up from Teatime Club the school reserves the right to cancel future bookings.
- The school reserves the right to cancel any bookings or restrict parents from making bookings if the service is not properly used. For example, if parents are late or if children’s behaviour is not acceptable.
- Any complaints about Wraparound care should be made via the school’s complaints policy.